FIRST SECTION – RAMPI AMENDMENT: Degree in the Sciences of Religions and school teaching

Over the last two months, the amendment proposed by PD senator Roberto Rampi concerning the equivalence of the Master’s degree in Sciences of Religions (LM 64) with those in History, Philosophy and Cultural Anthropology...


A quick overview of the world news on the topic of religions and schools as reflected in the European media. USA (ALABAMA) From: After a 28-Year Ban, Alabama Could Allow Yoga in Public Schools After 28 years,...

Space for in-depth analysis – agosto 2021

Teaching religions at schools France a cura di F. Carta Schools and religions Schooling in France is free and open to all citizens indiscriminately. Compulsory schooling runs from the age of 6 to 16. Secularism is a fundamental...

Teaching Islam at school: a way to prevent radicalism or to facilitate radicalization?

By Federica Candido The subject of religious teaching in public schools is an issue that gives rise to ideological debates between different cultural visions, especially when such debates are triggered by experiments and innovations on...

AUSTRIA. Ethics – new compulsory subject for students not attending religion classes

FIRST SECTION Reasoned press review Keywords: ethics, public school, teaching of religions, alternative teaching, Austria, Germany, Spain, Italy This section offers articles, in-depth analyses and reflections on the topic of the teaching of religions and/or ethics in...

Teaching of religion, ethics and civic education in Germany: the debate

By Sara Giorgetti   The fifteenth State Student Council of Baden-Württemberg (LSBR) has recently expressed itself in a document that is a clear indication of the strong desire for change and modernisation of the school system...

GERMANY. Religious education for all: Hamburg’s Proje RUfa 2.0

On the 28th of April 2022, the Catholic Archdiocese of Hamburg joined the project ‘Religious Education for All (RUfa)’ (Religionsunterricht für alle). Read more: Katholische-Kirche-macht-mit,religionsunterricht118.html; judentum-christentum-alevitentum . This is a unique initiative for...

The laws concerning the veil at school: various proposals.

In Denmark, the government has blocked a bill to ban the hijab in primary schools. The veil for girls and women of the Islamic religion is a distinctive sign of the choice of adherence...

Religion or ethics? A proposal for a choice.

By Lorenza Pamato After almost thirty years since the revision of the Concordat, which in 1985 made religious instruction optional, the many critical aspects of this teaching are increasingly evident, as demonstrated by the continuing...

SPAIN. The debate around the LOMLOE (Celaá law)

By Federica Candido In Spain the new law on education, called 'LOMLOE' (Ley Orgánica de Modificacion de la LOE) and known as the Celaá Law (from the name of the PSOE's Minister of Education), was...