Editorial – August 2021
Dear reader of EREnews,
Prof. Flavio Pajer, who conceived, edited and published the bulletin for twenty years, has generously ceded his cultural work to the current scientific committee, made up of professors...
Editorial June 2023
Is the Italian public university secular? What does secularism mean?
We have constructed this issue of ERENews starting from the questions mentioned above.
Cardinal Zuppi's invitation to give a lectio magistralis as part of the inauguration...
Editorial – February 2022
Dear readers,
EREnews editorial staff and the scientific committee want to clarify and present here the scientifical framework and the cultural horizon of our bulletin, led for almost twenty years by Prof. Pajer (whom we...
Interview-dialogue with Dr Giovanni Lapis (University of Venice) on the state of the art...
1. Giovanni Lapis (PhD at the Center for the Humanities and Social Change at Ca' Foscari University of Venice and at the Department of Asian and North African Studies at Ca' Foscari University of...