By Federica Candido
Michele Caputo, “La religiosità come risorsa. Prospettive multidisciplinari e ricerca pedagogica”, ed. Franco Angeli, 2022.
This volume offers an introductory synthesis of the human sciences that deal with religion and religiosity, with a particular focus on the pedagogical perspective and the scientific training of those working in the religious field: teachers, educators, catechists, but also presbyters. The essays collected in the book, all of a remarkable scientific and philosophical level, emphasise how the educational effects of religiosity are not only important on an individual level, but intervene on the entire spectrum of social and political life, touching the very foundations of citizenship formation in a pluralist society.
Sébastien Urbanski, Gabriela Valente e Didier Boisson, “École, religions, laïcité: approches comparatives et interdisciplinaires”, 2022.
This issue of Cahiers de la recherche sur l’éducation et les savoirs takes an international look at the place of religion in state schools. In particular, it examines teaching content, relations between political authorities and schools, and educational and training situations. The subject is a complex one, for at least two reasons. The first concerns the socio-historical processes that have led to the concept of ‘religion’ becoming polysemous. The second relates to the political principles that seek to define the space and limits of the social role of religion in different countries.